Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Call of Duty Stole my Daddy!

Mackenzie and I have a video game lover in our lives, more specifically a Call of Duty lover, as I am sure many of you girls can relate.

*Shirt was made by All Ribboned Out and Photography by In the Moment Photography by Leila.

With the release of the new MW3 I got inspired and started making soaps that even the hubby would love! He was so excited that he even sent some to his online Call of Duty friends.

Measuring 3X2 inches, these awesome Hand Gun soaps are handmade with Moisturizing Gylcerin and are beautifully scented with your choice of fragrance. For $3.50 these little soaps are perfect for your video game lover or Police Officer!

*These soaps are in no way affiliated with the video game "Call of Duty" or Activision

My name is Angelique


This is my first time ever creating a blog. I am not sure if I will be good at it and really have no idea where to start, but here is me in a nutshell..I am the wife of the most amazing man and the mother to a spunky little 1 year old. I am goofy, I am a Libra. I like to observe. I get embarrassed easily. I am playful. I am a good listener. I love to dance, but get shy right at first. I am pretty outgoing and love to meet new people. I am Irish and I am a redhead, but I don't have a temper. I love to go shopping. I hate the heat. I am a night owl. I love internet shopping and I love soap making!

Favor Boutique by Angelique (formally known as "2 Cute 4 You Favors") was created when I wanted a unique favor for my Bridal shower. I am a sucker for all things unique. I did a lot of research and decided to make my own soap. Everyone that came to my Bridal Shower was so impressed that they started asking me to make favors for their occasions. Soap making soon became my passion and then one day my husband suggested I place my favors online to see if they would sell. It has been 5 years and my business is growing, delighting other Bride's and Mom's-to-be with wonderful, affordable soap favors that their guest can actually use!

One day I would love to make soap favors full time, but for now I am a fulltime working mommy and wife and my hope is that this little business will earn us the extra income needed to provide a fantastic life for my little family. I hope you all enjoy my little creations as much as I like making them for you!